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Êtes-vous rassuré par l'intuition de Trump sur le COVid-19

par panthère58, lundi 09 mars 2020, 16:32 (il y a 1652 jours) @ Ilium

:-) Aujourd'hui, en Floride, malgré la panique entourant le Covid-19, Trump, qui avait la phobie des germes, continue de serrer les mains de ses supporters.


Lien :

Extrait : President Donald Trump confidently shook the hands of Florida supporters on Monday, despite heightened fears in Washington, DC, of the spread of coronavirus.

The president landed in Orlando, Florida and walked over to a fence line to shake the hands of a group of cheering supporters, before leaving the airport to attend a fundraiser.

The president spoke about shaking hands during a town hall meeting on Thursday night in Pennsylvania, noting that “you can’t be a politician and not shake hands.”

“The bottom line is, I shake anybody’s hand now. I’m proud of it,” he continued. “They’re people that I love. They’re people that I want to take care of.”

Bon, il y en a certes plusieurs qui doivent souhaiter qu'il attrape le Covid-19.

Il est un des rares politiciens à être cohérent avec ce qu'il dit, et à le mettre en pratique.



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