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L'animal de compagnie de corbeau...

par ophelyia, mercredi 21 septembre 2022, 11:33 (il y a 582 jours) @ Jeromec

Jeromec, ce n'est pas une bonne idée de lui parler de chat, je pense qu'il en a déjà plein les bras avec son animal de compagnie personnel Japonais: son corbeau à trois pattes Yatagarasu... Cependant, Yatagarasu, on ne sait pas avec quoi le nourrir parce que sa diète est inconnue...



L'Empereur Jimmu:


Pour toi Jeromec: Yatagarasu a même un drapeau a son effigie...




Translation: eight-span (i.e. giant) crow

Alternate names: sansokuu (three-legged crow), kin’u (golden crow)

Habitat: the sun

Diet: unknown

Appearance: Yatagarasu is a three-legged which inhabits the sun. It is found across East Asian folklore.

Origin: A three-legged crow has been used as a symbol of the sun since neolithic times in China. It may have originated as a personification of sunspots by ancient astronomers. In Japan, the crow has also been a symbol of the sun since ancient times, appearing in Japan’s earliest written works. (...)

The three legs of the bird represent heaven, the earth, and humanity, while the crow itself represents the sun. This symbolizes that heaven, earth, and mankind all come from the same sun, and are like brothers to each other. They are also said to represent the three virtues of the gods: wisdom, benevolence, and valor.''

SOURCE: Site internet de

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