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COVFEFE : Serait-ce un bel exemple de vision tunnel...

par panthère58, lundi 16 mars 2020, 22:37 (il y a 1647 jours)

:-) de chambre d'écho d'Alain Nyala et de Kiwan pour Richard Glenn ? Surtout si je mets ça en perspective avec d'autres interventions de même acabit dans d'autres VidéOrandias de mon dossier "STU-DIO / RADIO-QUÉBEC / ORANDIATV".

C'était la première fois que j'en entendais parler. Ça l'a été une recherche un peu difficile puisque je partais de sonorités et que le Complément Surprenant n'en fait pas mention. Heureusement que Jean de Floride était là pour la mise au point.

Ça remonterait à un tweet de 2017 de Donald J. Trump. Ici, on a le contexte et la traduction. On est loin de "coffin" et de "covid" :

Lien :

By JD Heyes -
August 31, 2019

Extrait : Here’s the Meaning of “Covfefe”: Evil Google Raced to Hide it to Make President Trump Look Stupid

(Natural News) In May 2017, just a few months after being inaugurated and on his way home from Saudi Arabia, his first official overseas visit as leader of the free world, President Trump — already battling an unhinged and unprecedented negative media — tweeted, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”

The word ‘covfefe’ caught just about everyone by surprise because most people had never seen it before, let alone seen it used in conversation.
Later, the president teased his previous tweet when he wrote, “Who can figure out the true meaning of ‘covfefe’ ??? Enjoy!”

Come to find out it is Arabic for “I will stand up.” The president was saying, then, that despite all of the negativity from the media and his critics, he will “stand up” in the face of it all and ‘stand tall’ against it. He will overcome, in other words.

Lien sur YouTube :
VOR200314 Mue Imaginale avec Jean de Flor, Alain Nyala, Marc Laperle, Joane et Richard Glenn
Diffusé en direct le 14 mars 2020

À 0H56’33" du vidéo : Coffin / Cercueil, Covid et Donald J. Trump



COVFEFE : Serait-ce un bel exemple de vision tunnel...

par Ilium, lundi 16 mars 2020, 23:52 (il y a 1647 jours) @ panthère58

People around the world were left clueless trying to figure out U.S. President Donald Trump's now deleted "covfefe" tweet.

Posted early on Wednesday morning, the tweet sent the internet into a complete meltdown and screenshots of it, are still making the rounds online.

While many >shared hilarious reactions to it, others tried to decipher the tweet's meaning, and a few Trump supporters think they've found it.

To them, this isn't yet another one of the U.S. President's >many typos, but is actually a message to the world in Arabic.

Wait, what? Yes, you heard that right.

A few Trump fans shared tweets stating that "covfefe" actually means "I will stand up," in Arabic.

They stated that the entire tweet translates into: "Despite negative press... I will stand up," explaining that it was meant as a message of solidarity with the people of Afghanistan after a Wednesday terrorist attack in Kabul.

Here's how they came up with the conclusion.

First they typed 'covfefe' as 'cov fe'fe' on google translate

Then they clicked on the online tool's 'did you mean?' auto correct option and reached their conclusion

The correction translates into 'Sawf Faqef' (an incorrect version of 'Sawf Aqef,' which translates into 'I will stand up,' in Arabic).

Nevertheless, Trump fans bought it



par panthère58, mardi 17 mars 2020, 08:18 (il y a 1647 jours) @ panthère58

:-) Merci au Complément Surprenant version 4. Dans la version 3, où il avait dépassé les 56'33" du VidéOrandia, il n'en avait pas fait mention. J'avais un autre lien en réserve sachant qu'il y aurait possiblement une ou des rétroactions alimentées par une vision tunnel et une chambre d'écho médiatique :

By Lucas Nolan 14 Aug 2019

Extrait : Another internal discussion thread appears to show Google employees discussing how best to change the translation of President Trump’s infamous “covfefe” tweet. Vorhies told Project Veritas that he hopes more Google workers come forward to discuss the practices of big tech firms. Vorhies stated:

My message to those that are on the fence is I released the documents. They can go in, they can see everything that Google is doing and then they can see the scale of it. Because I think that there’s a lot of engineers that have a hint that things are wrong, but they don’t understand the colossal scale that it’s at. And so for those people, I say, look at the documents, take the pulse of America, see what’s happening and come and tell the world you know what you already know to be true.




COVFEFE à toutes les sauces...

par panthère58, jeudi 19 mars 2020, 20:13 (il y a 1644 jours) @ panthère58

:-D :-P ;-)

Lien sur YouTube :
Cable News Reporters Try to Pronounce "Covfefe"
31 mai 2017

TheDC Shorts

Watch as the media tries to wrap their head around one of Trump's tweets. Clearly they never understood him anyways.

Lien sur YouTube :
Anderson Cooper reads best 'covfefe' tweets
31 mai 2017


CNN's Anderson Cooper reads some of the "covfefe" tweets that popped up after Donald Trump tweeted "despite the negative press covfefe."

Lien sur YouTube :
Trump song "Covfefe"!
25 juin 2017
Andy Simmons

Andy Simmons performs a parody to Eric Clapton's and j.j. cale's hit, "Cocaine". Lib's don't like, they don't like, they don't like....covfefe! Just a happy song about the President's battle against fakenews. Nothing about beyonce, drake, or kanye. No frozen. Nothing on mindcraft, halo, or gaming. Nothing on make paper chinese stars. No compilations of fighting or funny.




COVFEFE : Décodé !

par panthère58, jeudi 19 mars 2020, 20:32 (il y a 1644 jours) @ panthère58

:-) Le tweet serait un message adressé aux mondialistes ritualistes qu'il se tiendra debout face à leurs magouilles.

Lien sur YouTube :
The Trump COVFEFE - I Will Stand Up - Coded Observation
3 juin 2017


This report shows and discusses the recent May 31, 2017, Trump Tweet, where the cryptic word COVFEFE, was broadcast to the world. This cryptic and coded word Cov-fe'fe and its translation into Arabic, is a coded response by Trump to the NWO ritual globalist, seeking a one world govt. and one world religion. The Trump Message sent, "I Will Stand Up," is in fact, a coded response to the world globalist, in that Trump is proudly declaring his plans to be standing up, on those key future ritual dates, that have been ritually selected by the NWO Globalist, seeking to eliminate Trump from the face of the earth. This Trump declaration indicates that the NWO Globalist are going to fail at their Trump elimination plans and which will then cause the NWO Globalist to fail in their control over planet earth. Sudden changes and or new directions are expected as a result of Trump telling the world and the NWO Globalist, that they WILL in the future Fail to do what they sought to do, and will instead, be defeated by their own evil plans and actions. COV-Fe"Fe and the translation "I Will Stand Up" is a proud declaration by Trump of his future Victory over the "Lords of Chaos.



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