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Ha les guerres

par Skywalker, jeudi 26 octobre 2017, 00:13 (il y a 2517 jours)

Toujours pas le contrôle sur les financiers,SVP quelqu'un trouver vite une

Quand c'est pas la guerre,c'est les expériences sur sa propre population,et oui
au Canada aussi.

Question de se préparer a ce faire entuber encore.:)

Censored images of WAR 1a9


La Syrie en An, Rus et USA proche proche

par René @, jeudi 26 octobre 2017, 23:11 (il y a 2516 jours) @ Skywalker

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Potential Russia-U.S. Proxy War Over Oil-Rich Territory in Syria

October 25, 2017

Real Truth/Paula C. Rondeau

BEIRUT (AP) – As U.S.-allied fighters advance along the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, a showdown could ensue between the U.S. and Russia, whose allies are racing to recapture the same strategic oil-rich territory from the Islamic State group.

While the two sides will likely avoid direct confrontation, the capture of Raqqa by the U.S.-backed forces, followed by their swift seizure of Syria’s largest oil field from ISIS, has displeased Damascus, which needs the oil to boost its flagging economy.

As the rival international coalitions compete to defeat the militants and snap up oil and gas fields, the Russian military has issued a stream of angry statements, accusing the U.S. of colluding with the Islamic State and other extremist groups in a bid to stymie the government’s advances.
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Both the U.S. and Russia have embedded special forces with their respective partners and are supporting their advances with aggressive airstrikes. They have so far avoided any significant confrontations by maintaining talks and a hotline intended to prevent midair and ground incidents.

U.S. Army Colonel Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition, said contacts with Russia were continuing to avoid friction on the ground around Syria’s Al-Omar oil field, which was seized by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on October 22. But he indicated the coalition was prepared for any possibility.

“We are prepared to defend our partners if they are attacked, whether by ISIS fighters or by anyone else. We certainly don’t want to come to that and we will continue to de-conflict with our Russian partners,” he told The Associated Press on October 24. He suggested the SDF would continue to march south into the town of Boukamal on the Iraqi border after consolidating their gains, fueling concerns of conflict between the two groups and their superpower sponsors.

The stakes are high and the two sides have exchanged accusations of firing on one another in the past.

As the Islamic State group sheds its hold on territory, Iranian- and Russian-backed Syrian government forces have been gaining ground on the western bank of the Euphrates River, while the U.S.-backed SDF is advancing on the eastern bank and has already seized a major natural gas field and other smaller oil fields in addition to Al-Omar.

The Al-Omar field, which before the war produced around 9,000 barrels a day, is a major prize for both sides, particularly the Syrian government, whose resources have been drained by the country’s war, now in its seventh year.

The Syrian government and the Kurds have maintained a complicated relationship throughout Syria’s war, mostly refraining from fighting one another while some rebels have accused the Kurds of being secretly aligned with the Syrian president. But U.S. support in the fight against ISIS has emboldened Syria’s Kurds, who now control nearly 25 percent of Syrian territory and have expanded into non-Kurdish, Arab-dominated areas, unsettling Damascus.

Their capture of Raqqa, the former heart of the Islamic State group’s so-called caliphate, was a highly prestigious win and has further raised their profile. Syrian state-run media ignored reports about the U.S.-backed force’s capture of Raqqa for days, and it is not clear how Syrian troops will respond to their seizure of the Al-Omar field.

Both sides have ratcheted up rhetoric, and have started talking about a possible confrontation.

“We don’t consider any town to be liberated before the Syrian army enters it and raises the Syrian flag over it,” Syrian Information Minister Mohammad Ramiz Turjuman said in an interview with the RIA Novosti news agency on October 23.

A prominent Damascus-based Syrian lawmaker went even further.

“We will confront any side that stands in the way of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies recovering any area they want,” said Khaled Abboud, whose views reflect government thinking.

Ahmed Abu Khawla, commander of the Deir el-Zour military council leading the battle for the SDF, said the goal was to completely liberate the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, adding that his troops did not wish to clash with any party other than ISIS at this stage.

“We were determined to get this oil field. We are expecting everything. We can see clashes and we have taken our precautions. Our project is to liberate the eastern bank—all of it,” he said.

“We are ready for all solutions: political, diplomatic or military,” he added.

In a story Oct. 24 about a possible showdown between the United States and Russia in Syria, The Associated Press incorrectly quoted U.S. Army Col. Ryan Dillon who referred to Russian “counterparts,” not “partners.”

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" La première victime d'une guerre, c'est la vérité. "
* Rudyard Kipling 30 Déc 1865 au 18 Jan 1936.
** "La première victime de la guerre est la vérité"
** Carl Von Clausewitz 1er juin 1780 au 16 novembre 1831.


En Korea pendant ce temps... Japon, K S et USA. An.

par René @, vendredi 27 octobre 2017, 15:37 (il y a 2516 jours) @ Skywalker

Bien oui il y a des voisins silencieux: la Chine et la Russie, Super!


North Korea Threat Is ‘Critical, Imminent,’ Japanese Minister Says
October 23, 2017 14:57, Last Updated: October 23, 2017 14:57

North Koreans listen to a television broadcast of a statement by communist dictator Kim Jong-Un, in Pyongyang, North Korea, on Sept. 22, 2017. (ED JONES/AFP/Getty Images)
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By Reuters
The threat from North Korea has grown to a “critical and imminent level” and the United States, Japan, and South Korea must address the matter, Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera told his U.S. and South Korean counterparts in talks on Monday.

Onodera’s remarks underscored the deep concern in Tokyo after North Korean weapons tests, including test firing missiles over Japan, as Pyongyang seeks to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of reaching the United States.

His comments broke from more measured language on Monday by U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and South Korean Defense Minister Song Young-Moo, as the three men met on the sidelines of a gathering of Asian defense chiefs in the Philippines.
“(The) threat posed by North Korea has grown to the unprecedented, critical and imminent level. Therefore, we have to take calibrated and different responses to meet with that level of threat,” he said, speaking through a translator, at the start of talks in the Philippines.

South Korea’s Song also acknowledged that “North Korea’s provocative behavior is becoming worse and worse,” in public remarks before reporters were escorted out of the meeting room.

Mattis renewed sharp criticism of North Korea’s tests, saying they “threaten regional and global security.”

Mattis, who kicked off a week-long trip to the region on Monday, has been eager to emphasize diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis peacefully as escalating tension between Washington and Pyongyang stoked fears of ‘armed confrontation.’

Asked about his conversation with Onodera after the two met earlier in the day, before joining South Korea’s Song, Mattis said they discussed “maintaining stability and peace in support of the diplomats.”

North Korean soldiers look at South Korea across the Korean Demilitarized Zone on Dec. 22, 2011. (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)
Meanwhile, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said he is willing to travel to North Korea on behalf of the Trump administration to help diffuse the situation, the New York Times reported.

Mattis has been more cautious in his public remarks than U.S. President Donald Trump, who has been locked in a war of words with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, threatening to destroy North Korea if necessary to defend the United States and its allies.


Mattis is at the start of a week-long trip to Asia and will attend meetings hosted by defense ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the Philippines.

ASEAN defense ministers, in a joint statement, expressed “grave concern” over North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and urged the reclusive country to meet its international obligations and resume communications.

They underscored the “need to maintain peace and stability in the region” and called “for the exercise of self-restraint and the resumption of dialogue to de-escalate tensions in the Korean peninsula.”

Mattis’ trip, which will include a stop in Thailand, comes before Trump’s first visit to Asia next month, including a stop in China.

Trump has been pressuring China to do more to rein in North Korea’s missile and nuclear program. China is North Korea’s neighbor and biggest trading partner.

Mattis, while in the Philippines, said he will commend the military for defeating insurgents in Marawi City on the island of Mindanao.

The Philippines said on Monday it has ended five months of military operations in Marawi after a fierce and unfamiliar urban war that marked the country’s biggest security crisis in years.

Some experts see the Marawi insurgency as a prelude to a more ambitious bid by Islamic State loyalists to exploit Mindanao’s poverty and use its jungles and mountains as a base to train, recruit and launch attacks in the region.

“It was a tough fight,” Mattis told reporters on his flight to the Philippines, adding he thought the Philippines’ military had sent “a very necessary message to the terrorists.”

On Thursday, Mattis will lead the U.S. delegation in Thailand for the cremation rites for the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

" La première victime d'une guerre, c'est la vérité. "
* Rudyard Kipling 30 Déc 1865 au 18 Jan 1936.
** "La première victime de la guerre est la vérité"
** Carl Von Clausewitz 1er juin 1780 au 16 novembre 1831.


Putine Jongle avec 4 missiles, Air, Terre, Mer en Exercices

par René @, vendredi 27 octobre 2017, 18:49 (il y a 2515 jours) @ Skywalker

Petite pratique en Russie est supervisée par M. Putine en personne.
Les 4 ont fait mouche, sur leur cible respective.
Kim va tu se faire une tite pratique perso lui aussi?

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President Putin Directs Firing of ICBMs During Russian Military Drills

October 27, 2017

Alexei Druzhinin, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with senior military officers in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia (Oct. 26, 2017).

MOSCOW (AP) – Russian President Vladimir Putin personally oversaw the launch of four intercontinental ballistic missiles and took part in major military training exercises, the Kremlin said on October 27.

Though the exercises were routine and not directly linked to any international developments, what makes them unusual are reports of Mr. Putin direct involvement, something rarely reported by the Kremlin.

“The commander in chief conducted the launch of four intercontinental ballistic missiles,” Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a conference call with reporters.
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Mr. Peskov would not elaborate on what specific part Mr. Putin played in the war games, saying that the president took “the necessary moves in line with the standard procedure for relevant situations as the commander in chief.” The drills involved all three elements of Russia’s nuclear capability—land, air, and submarine-based ballistic missiles.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that during the October 26 drills, a Topol ICBM was fired from a Plesetsk launchpad in northwestern Russia hitting a designated target on the Kura firing range on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the far east.

A nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea also launched an ICBM at the same Kura range, while another nuclear submarine in the Sea of Okhotsk fired two ICBM in the opposite direction, hitting targets at the Chizha firing range in the Arkhangelsk region in Russia’s northwest.

As part of the maneuvers, the Tu-160, the Tu-95 and the Tu-22 bomber launched cruise missiles at mock targets at firing ranges on Kamchatka, the Komi region in the far North and in Russia’s ex-Soviet neighbor Kazakhstan.

“All training targets were successfully hit,” according to a Ministry of Defense statement.

The maneuvers are the latest in a steady series of war games intended to strengthen the troops’ readiness amid tensions with the West.

In September, military drills held jointly by Russia and Belarus worried some NATO members, who have criticized what they have described as a lack of transparency and questioned Moscow’s intentions. Russia has rejected the criticism.

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with top brass Friday that the military will continue to strengthen its forces in western Russia in response to a NATO buildup in Poland and the Baltics.

“The military-political situation at our western frontier remain tense and is set to exacerbate,” he said.

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Une Vision pour un Jour?


" La première victime d'une guerre, c'est la vérité. "
* Rudyard Kipling 30 Déc 1865 au 18 Jan 1936.
** "La première victime de la guerre est la vérité"
** Carl Von Clausewitz 1er juin 1780 au 16 novembre 1831.


Ha après la 2ième guerre, Nuremberg Ben Ferencz an 23mins.

par René @, samedi 28 octobre 2017, 08:07 (il y a 2515 jours) @ Skywalker

À 97 Ans, le témoignage de Ben Ferencz, il regarde l'évolution, les jeux du pouvoir... Le pourquoi et le comment des agissements de l'Homme. Les changements depuis 25 ans dans nos sociétés, l'espoir du "NEVER GIVE UP"

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" La première victime d'une guerre, c'est la vérité. "
* Rudyard Kipling 30 Déc 1865 au 18 Jan 1936.
** "La première victime de la guerre est la vérité"
** Carl Von Clausewitz 1er juin 1780 au 16 novembre 1831.


Définitin: Complexe militaro-industriel des États-Unis

par René @, samedi 28 octobre 2017, 09:54 (il y a 2515 jours) @ Skywalker


" La première victime d'une guerre, c'est la vérité. "
* Rudyard Kipling 30 Déc 1865 au 18 Jan 1936.
** "La première victime de la guerre est la vérité"
** Carl Von Clausewitz 1er juin 1780 au 16 novembre 1831.

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